a student presents a poster at a conferenceWhat is GrASP? 
The goal of GrASP is to provide all students in the School Psychology Program at bet36365体育 with mentorship and opportunities. Through GrASP, students can engage in professional development and community service. The organization meets monthly to discuss old and new business, committee reports, and special events. Periodically the group hosts guest speakers with the goals of expanding the knowledge and professional connections of all members. Additionally, GrASP organizes social events to encourage fun and fellowship among students.

Who is GrASP?
GrASP is comprised of the students enrolled in the bet36365体育 School Psychology Graduate Program, with the exception of those students in internship courses. Annually, active GrASP members elect five students within the group to serve on the executive board. The five positions of the executive board are President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and Student at Large. Two faculty members serve as advisors for the organization.

students and instructors take a selfie outdoors   students take a selfie at a conference